Who Am I?
It all started about fifteen years ago when I got the idea
to make Halloween a memorable experience for the children in my neighborhood.
I decided to perform four-minute, mini shows on our front porch for the young trick-or-treaters that came to our home. These fun and entertaining shows were an immediate hit.
With each year's success, I felt a growing desire to perform for children year round.
After much searching for the ideal venue that would facilitate
this desire, I discovered the world of clowning. Clowning was perfect
because it involved the four things I love most: balloons, magic, comedy and making children
Upon completion of clown training, my new-found passion was now
in my blood. I simply could not get enough of it. Over the years I have come to enjoy it
so much that in my spare time I love to go to a nearby park and practice my skills by interacting with the
people I meet. The kids have a great time and I have fun doing what I love!!
Besides my 21 years- and counting - as a father of three, I have
worked closely with children and youth for over ten years in various youth
leadership capacities including serving as a Scout Master for BSA. These
experiences, coupled with my passion for clowning make me acutely aware
of what makes children happy.
As a firm believer that children and adults are limited only by their imagination, my approach is
quite simple. I specifically design my shows in such a way as to tap into their creative processes through
interactive , comedy magic and take their imagination on a roller coaster ride.
Who Is Berkle Snickledorker?
Father: Goofus P. Snickledorker
Mother's Maiden Name: Hilarity-Jane Deefenthaylor
Place Of Birth: Hogwash Holler, Tennessee
Elementary School: Slapstick Elementary
High School: Hyjinx High
Favorite Teacher: Miss Golleywobbler because she owned a time machine. She
used to say, "I declare Berkle If 'n you don't straighten up, I am gonna
knock you clean into next week!"
P.H.B.: Balloon-ology
Minor: AIRigami
Puffbuster's School of Balloon-ology
POPSdale, AIRizona
M.S.: Visual POOF-ology
B.S.: PrestidigiMItation
A.S.: COINistry and CARDiography
A. Cadabra's Academy of Magical Sciences
Legerdemain, Tennesse
M.A.: Practical Buffoonery
Minor: Pie Throwing and Flower Squirting
Clown U.
Circus City, CA.
Bozo the Clown
Ronald McDonald
Send in the Clowns
See The Funny Little Clown
Strange Magic
Roscoe the Trained Chicken
Rocky Racoon
to make Halloween a memorable experience for the children in my neighborhood.
I decided to perform four-minute, mini shows on our front porch for the young trick-or-treaters that came to our home. These fun and entertaining shows were an immediate hit.
With each year's success, I felt a growing desire to perform for children year round.
After much searching for the ideal venue that would facilitate
this desire, I discovered the world of clowning. Clowning was perfect
because it involved the four things I love most: balloons, magic, comedy and making children
Upon completion of clown training, my new-found passion was now
in my blood. I simply could not get enough of it. Over the years I have come to enjoy it
so much that in my spare time I love to go to a nearby park and practice my skills by interacting with the
people I meet. The kids have a great time and I have fun doing what I love!!
Besides my 21 years- and counting - as a father of three, I have
worked closely with children and youth for over ten years in various youth
leadership capacities including serving as a Scout Master for BSA. These
experiences, coupled with my passion for clowning make me acutely aware
of what makes children happy.
As a firm believer that children and adults are limited only by their imagination, my approach is
quite simple. I specifically design my shows in such a way as to tap into their creative processes through
interactive , comedy magic and take their imagination on a roller coaster ride.
Who Is Berkle Snickledorker?
Father: Goofus P. Snickledorker
Mother's Maiden Name: Hilarity-Jane Deefenthaylor
Place Of Birth: Hogwash Holler, Tennessee
Elementary School: Slapstick Elementary
High School: Hyjinx High
Favorite Teacher: Miss Golleywobbler because she owned a time machine. She
used to say, "I declare Berkle If 'n you don't straighten up, I am gonna
knock you clean into next week!"
P.H.B.: Balloon-ology
Minor: AIRigami
Puffbuster's School of Balloon-ology
POPSdale, AIRizona
M.S.: Visual POOF-ology
B.S.: PrestidigiMItation
A.S.: COINistry and CARDiography
A. Cadabra's Academy of Magical Sciences
Legerdemain, Tennesse
M.A.: Practical Buffoonery
Minor: Pie Throwing and Flower Squirting
Clown U.
Circus City, CA.
Bozo the Clown
Ronald McDonald
Send in the Clowns
See The Funny Little Clown
Strange Magic
Roscoe the Trained Chicken
Rocky Racoon